Monday, July 29, 2013

BB&N on global education

By: Ed Bourget

Fernando Reimers discusses the need for schools to prepare their students with the ability to be inventive and creative for the new global economy climate. He speaks about the concept of tri-dimensional nature of global competency and shows the three aspects needed to be successful. Reimers states, "I define global competency as the knowledge and skills to help people understand the flat world in which the live, integrate across disciplinary domains to comprehend global affairs and events, and create possibilities to address them. Global competencies are also the attitudinal and ethical dispositions that make it possible to interact peacefully, respectfully, and productively with fellow human beings from diverse geographies" (Reimers, 2009, p. 184). He also believes that global education should be a focal point for schools. I stepped foot on the BB&N campus for the first time in 1994, and I immediately saw the difference in educational philosophy between my new school and my old school. BB&N offered a variety of languages, emphasized acceptance of different cultures, and offered student trips to countries for the purpose of learning.  While I did not attend any of those trips, some of my classmates attended trips to Russia, Coast Rica, and other venues to learn about history, language, and culture of other countries.  At the time, BB&N demonstrated that their educational philosophy was to incorporate the entire globe as their learning platform. Since 1994, I have had the privilege to work here and to see how the growth of the global educational process has helped our students grow as global leaders. There are so many examples across all three campuses that demonstrate BB&N's desire to become a part of the global educational system. We are our toughest critics, but I think that we should take a step back and look at all of the great things that are happening within our school. Reimers provides three dimensions for the definition of global competency and I feel that BB&N tries to achieve this goal in every aspect. The three dimensions are:
1) A positive attitude towards different cultures and the values to accept and engage in these differences
2) The ability to use other languages effectively other than the native one
3) A deep understanding of world history, geography, and to understand the concept of globalization

I feel that BB&N hits the mark in all three areas. While improvements can be made in this area, there are many examples of our administrators, faculty, parents, and students displaying competence in this arena.  For example, our administrators travel to different countries to visit other schools as we a part of a global schooling program that shares information in the hopes that we can provide better global programming for our students. Our faculty takes the time to make sure that students understand that there is a great big world out there with different moving parts, religions, economies, and ideologies that they must embrace and understand in order to be successful in the future. Two major instances come to mind. The first one is that Armen is taking a group of people to Russia this summer to celebrate a monumental anniversary of the relationship between our school and theirs. For many years the Russian exchange program has provided many students, not just BB&N, with the opportunity to become globally aware. The second instance was displayed this spring in Mr. Z's 6th grade class. His class was skyping with another school in Africa to learn about their differences, culture, and educational system. I walked by the room and was completely floored to see our 6th graders interacting in real time with African students. It was truly amazing. Mr. Z. demonstrated through the use of technology that educational globalization will become a regular function in the classroom. Our parents take part as well by opening their doors to exchange students from other countries so that they can learn English and the way that our culture operates. Lastly, the students participate in a number of ways, because of the willingness to get involved with the educational process. They are excited to learn new languages, learn about different cultures, and to take trips to far off lands in order to learn more about their fellow man.

BB&N is a great place to learn, and we are often too critical of ourselves in the area of self-reflection. If you are able to take a minute and walk down the hallways, you will see the creativity of your fellow peers in action.  So many people are doing so many different things and they are providing our students with an unbelievable education. We can get better in the area of educational globalization, and we will, but also give the school credit for establishing a solid foundation in this arena.

Reimers, F. (2009). International Perspectives on the Goals of the Universal Basic and Secondary Education. [retrieved from]

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